
最近在学习威胁情报的构建以及应用相关的内容,将 STIX 2.1 官方文档的阅读和思考记录如下:

1 Introduction

STIX(Structured Threat Information Expression)是一种用于交换网络威胁情报(cyber threat intelligence,CTI)的语言和序列化格式。STIX的应用场景包括:协同威胁分析、自动化威胁情报交换、自动化威胁检测和响应等。


  • STIX Domain Objects(SDO):威胁情报主要的分类对象,包含了一些威胁的behaviors和construct,共有18种类型:Attack Pattern, Campaign, Course of Action, Grouping, Identity, Indicator, Infrastructure, Intrusion Set, Location, Malware, Malware Analysis, Note, Observed Data, Opinion, Report, Threat Actor, Tool, and Vulnerability.
  • STIX Cyber-observable Objects(SCO):威胁情报中具体的可观察对象,用于刻画基于主机或基于网络的信息
  • SCO会被多种SDO所使用,以提供上下文支持,如Observed Data SDO,表示在特定时间观察到的raw data;在STIX2.0中,SCO在SDO中出现时只会以Observed Data的形式出现,在STIX2.1则不限于此。
  • SCO本身不包括who,when和why的信息,但是将SCO和SDO关联起来,可能会得到这些信息以及对威胁更高层面的理解。
  • SCO可以捕获的对象包括文件、进程、IP之间的流量等。
  • STIX Relationship Objects(SRO):用于SDO之间、SCO之间、SDO和SCO之间的关系。SRO的大类包括以下两种:
  • generic SRO(Relationship):大多数关系所采用的类型,其relation_type字段包括:
  • 内置关系:如Indicator到Malware之间的关系,可以用indicates 表示,它描述了该Indicator可用于检测对应的恶意软件
  • 自定义关系
  • Sighting SRO:用于捕获实体在SDO中出现的案例,如sighting an indicator。没有明确指明连接哪两个object。之所以将其作为独立的SRO,是因为其具有一些独有的属性,如count

除了SRO,STIX还用ID references来表示嵌入关系(embedded relationship)。当使用嵌入关系时,表示该属性时该对象的内置属性,从而不需要使用SRO表示,如*create_by_ref。*因此,SRO可以视为两个节点直接的边,而embedded relationship则可以视为属性(只不过其表示了二元关系)

  • STIX Meta Objects:用于丰富或扩展STIX Core Objects
  • STIX Bundle Object:用于打包STIX内容

STIX是一种基于图的模型,其中SDO和SCO定义了图的节点,而STIX relationships定义了边

STIX Patterning language:STIX模式语言可以实现网络或终端的威胁检测。该语言目前使用STIX Indicator对象,来匹配时序的observable data。

2 通用数据类型

3 STIX 通用概念

  • STIX common properties
  • common relationships:duplicate-of, derived-from, related-to

4 STIX Domain Objects



  • Property:通用属性、SDO转专用属性
  • Relationship:embedded relationships、common relationships


  • Attack Pattern, Malware, and Tool可以被归为TTP,因为它们描述了攻击行为和资源
  • Campaign, Intrusion Set, and Threat Actor 可以被描述为“攻击者发动攻击的原因,以及如何组织(why and how)”

4.1 Attack Pattern

TTP类型之一,它描述了攻击者试图破坏目标的方式,对应于TTP中的战术。可用于帮助对攻击进行分类,将特定的攻击概括为其遵循的模式,并提供有关如何进行攻击的详细信息。如spear fishing就是一种攻击模式,而更具体的描述,如被特定攻击者实施的spear fishing也是一种攻击模式。

4.2 Campaign

表示某次具体的攻击活动。A Campaign is a grouping of adversarial behaviors that describes a set of malicious activities or attacks (sometimes called waves) that occur over a period of time against a specific set of targets. Campaigns usually have well defined objectives and may be part of an Intrusion Set.

4.3 Course of Action


4.4 Grouping


除了embedded relationship和common relationship之外,没有明确定义Grouping对象和其它STIX对象之间的关系。

4.5 Identity

Identity可以代表特定的个人、组织或团伙;也可以代表一类个人、组织、系统或团伙。Identity SDO可以捕获基本标识信息,联系信息以及Identity所属的部门。 Identity在STIX中用于表示攻击目标,信息源,对象创建者和威胁参与者身份。

4.6 Incident


4.7 Indicator

Indicator表示可用于检测可疑行为的模式。如用STIX Patterning Language来描述恶意域名集合(第九章)。

4.8 Infrastructure



4.9 Intrusion Set

Intrusion set是由某个组织所使用的恶意行为和资源的集合。一个Intrusion Set可能会捕获多个Campaigns,他们共同指向一个Threat Actor。新捕获的活动可以被归因于某个Intrusion Set,而Actors可以在Intrusion之间跳转,甚至从属于多个Intrusion Set。

如在 apt1.json 中,整个报告被打包在bundle中,而Intrusion Set用来指示APT组织:

Intrusion Set和Campaigns对比:Where a Campaign is a set of attacks over a period of time against a specific set of targets to achieve some objective, an Intrusion Set is the entire attack package and may be used over a very long period of time in multiple Campaigns to achieve potentially multiple purposes.

由Intrusion Set找出Threat Actors,nation state或者nation state中的某个APT组织,是一个溯源的过程。

4.10 Location

表示具体地点,可以与Identity或Intrusion Set相关联,表示其位置;与Malware或Attack Pattern相关联,表示其目标。

4.11 Malware


4.12 Malware Analysis


4.13 Note

其他对象中不存在的额外信息;例如,分析人员可以在一个Campaign对象中添加注释,以表明他在黑客论坛上看到了与该Campaign相关的帖子。同样,Note对象也没有定义与其他STIX Object之间的关系。

4.14 Observed Data

与网络安全相关的可观察对象(raw information)集合,其引用对象为SCO,包含从analyst reports, sandboxes, and network and host-based detection tools等收集的信息。


Observed Data只有反向关系。此外,还会被Sighting SRO所指向:Sightings represent a relationship between some intelligence entity that was seen (e.g., an Indicator or Malware instance), where it was seen, and what evidence was actually seen. The evidence (or raw data) in that relationship is captured as Observed Data(Sighting中的证据就是Observed Data)。

4.15 Opinion


4.16 Report


4.17 Threat Actor

攻击的个人、团体或组织;其与Intrusion Set不同,Threat Actor会同时支持或附属于不同的Intrusion Set、团体或组织。

4.18 Tool


4.19 Vulnerability



  • Q1:embedded relationship和节点property有啥区别?

    property是节点属性,embedded relationship是带有二元关系的节点属性

  • Q2:Observed Data和SCO有啥区别?

    Observed Data观察行为与观察对象的信息,而SCO是具体可观察实体的信息,二者是引用与被引用的关系

  • Q3:Intrusion Set、Identity和Threat Actor的区别?

    Intrusion Set是最高层的实体,其包括Identity和Threat Actor,如APT1(高层APT组织)为Intrusion Set,其包含一些个人(Ugly Gorilla)或团体(SuperHard)的Threat Actor,而Identity是用真实名称描述的个人或组织(如Ugly Gorilla指向Wang Dong)。由此看来,Threat Actor也可以用真是名称描述(Communist Party of China),但是明显指示了其表示威胁主体,而Identity本身不显示其角色信息。

5 STIX Relationship Objects

5.1 Relationship

Type Name: relationship

用于连接STIX中的SDO或SCO; STIX中的Relationship在每个SDO或SCO的定义中进行了描述, 用户还可以自定义关系。

STIX中所有内置的Relationship详见文档Appendix B。

注意, Relationship本身也是一个对象, 因此其也有自身的 Property 和 Relationships。

5.2 Sighting

Type Name: sighting

原文定义: A Sighting denotes the belief that something in CTI (e.g., an indicator, malware, tool, threat actor, etc.) was seen. Sightings are used to track who and what are being targeted, how attacks are carried out, and to track trends in attack behavior.

Sighting 没有连接两个对象, 但却被定义为关系, 原因是: Sighting is captured as a relationship because you cannot have a sighting unless you have something that has been sighted. Sighting does not make sense without the relationship to what was sighted


  • What was sighted, such as the Indicator, Malware, Campaign, or other SDO (sighting_of_ref)
  • Who sighted it and/or where it was sighted, represented as an Identity (where_sighted_refs)
  • What was actually seen on systems and networks, represented as Observed Data (observed_data_refs)

Sighting和Observed Data的区别:

Sighting is distinct from Observed Data in that Sighting is an intelligence assertion (“I saw this threat actor”) while Observed Data is simply information (“I saw this file”). When you combine them by including the linked Observed Data (observed_data_refs) from a Sighting, you can say “I saw this file, and that makes me think I saw this threat actor”.

文章作者: Alston
版权声明: 本博客所有文章除特别声明外,均采用 CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 许可协议。转载请注明来自 Alston's blog